If you want to grow your business and keep in touch with your audience with the help of email marketing.
I can highly recommend Flodesk to be you partner!

Please feel free to use my Flodesk coupon code through this affiliate link: – to get 50% !! off of your subscription your first year with Flodesk.

Flodesk is the best software (that I have tried) for email marketing! And you can truly not run your business without an email marketing software!

User friendly e-mail marketing

Flodesk is truly user friendly! It's intuitive and you can create beautiful emails, or emails with plain text, you choose. The audience segments and the workflows are so much help to keep organized.


Have you been debating whether or not to even use an email marketing system? Well I can tell you, there is no other space you can truly know that you are reaching your audience. Of course, you can't be sure they'll open your mails. But your open rate will probably be much higher than the percent of your followers that you reach on your social media. My numbers sure verifies that.

I recommend you try Flodesk for a year, with a 50% discount. I bet you'll come to the conclusion that it's well worth it's money!

Is it worth it?

Have fun!